Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hello, Newman

And there it is again, that pain. So much for boring.

Actually, this past month has been a bore, as far as menopause goes. I had one more hot flash, just before my 34th birthday. (On my birthday? Can't remember. Ah, the memory is the first to go!)

Other than that, there haven't been many problems. No mood swings, no meanopause, no complaints. Yes, there was that pain back a little while ago.

And now again today. It's so familiar and brings such despair with it. I know, based on last time, that the ibuprofen I just took will help. I will not (most likely) spend the evening curled up in bed with a heating pack on my tummy.

And it is a good reminder why Dr. N's nurse and I just scheduled my next Lupron shot. My damn hormones are robust and determined, and we need to beat them back so they stop with the tissue production!

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Monday, July 6, 2009

My New Goal is To Bore You

When I started this blog, I wasn't sure what I would share with you. I was prepared to share horror stories of what Lupron was doing to me, as well as (hopefully) humorous stories about my menopausal rage and mood swings. I wasn't prepared for this to be the most boring blog ever.

And yet, I am thrilled to be boring you! I am thrilled that I don't hate my husband, and that my menopause symptoms are minor. I'm over the moon that I have very little pain to report, and that I've only had two hot flashes. But, I have no good stories for you, and I'm very sorry for that. But I'm also very happy about it.

Ok, since you stopped by, I'll share one somewhat unrelated story so that you don't have to leave empty-handed.

I've been suffering from flu for the past five or six days. Yesterday, I just didn't feel like it was making any progress, so my husband and I went to the weekend clinic at my doctor's office. (They gave me antibiotics and nasal spray, and I'm feeling a bit better 24 hours later.) But during the exam, the nurse asked me when my last period was. Hmmm, good question. I told her about the Lupron, but I don't think she knew what it was. So I said, "Well, the shot they gave me in May put me in early Menopause, so I haven't really had a period since then, but intentionally." She squinted at me. But then I remembered: "Oh, except I did have a sort of period for about 8 days, and I guess that was a few weeks ago. Was that really a period, though? I guess it was. I'm not sure."

And she looks at me, totally blank, and says, "I just need to know if you think you could be pregnant."

"Oh, right!" I say. "Nope, that would be a miracle, my doctor says. So I really don't think so. Um, doubtful, anyway."

I have no idea what she wrote in my chart.

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