Monday, May 11, 2009

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

Is it starting? Not sure, but a combination of factors just turned me into a bitch (at least in my head-- I didn't act on any of the ugly thoughts I had.) The new laptop I've been working on decided the wireless switch wasn't on. (But it was.) The neighbor is having a very loud party. (On a Monday night.) And horror of horrors, my husband had turned on an annoying show about magic, at a volume which he and our friend found acceptable and I found UNacceptable. Suddenly the world was loud, annoying and without the interweb. I contemplated hurling the laptop through the TV to shut up the magician with the monotone. Of course, then I would still have to deal with the neighbor.

I left the room while my husband fumbled with the laptop. While in the bathroom, I wondered if I would be more annoyed to re-enter the room and find the laptop still not working, or if it would be worse that my husband had figured it out for me.

What? I was annoyed the laptop wasn't working, but was going to be more annoyed that HE fixed it? No! That doesn't make any sense. An hour earlier, I had him help me put together and take apart the power drill. He fixes the computers, the wireless modem, the dishwasher, and anything else I just can't figure out or deal with. His willingness to help, to step in, to take care of it is fabulous and saves me many gray hairs.

So was my sudden mood change fatigue from a busy day? Or was it the Lupron? I really hope that this isn't a sign of things to come. I love my husband far too much to be annoyed with him. And as you can see, the wireless is working just fine now.

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