Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day Two: Researching On-Line

Day two and I feel good. That left bum cheek is a little sore, but that's what happens when you get stuck with a big needle.

I got up with my husband today at 7 am to get a jump on the day. I've felt tired, but that's likely just because this is the first time I've been up that early in months and it wasn't for a doctor's appointment or procedure.

I've been doing some research on-line about Lupron. There is a lot of controversy out there on the interwebs about it. Hoo-boy. Reading some women's accounts was scary. I'm trying not to read too much about it, because I don't want to freak out. But at the same time, I want to be informed and know what's going on with my body. The main thing I keep reading is that Lupron causes a wide variety of reactions in women. Some women have night sweats and hot flashes, some women have major depression, and some women blow up the local Blockbuster when "Sex and the City" isn't available for rental. OK, that one hasn't been documented. But I've read more than a few testimonials that say "If I knew then what I know now, I never would have had the shot." I think it's a good thing I didn't see any of that until after my shot.



At May 6, 2009 at 6:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure that everything will be fine! I am so glad that you finally have a diagnosis. That must be such a relief. I am glad that you are going to keep us all informed. Lots of love from Fort Wayne. XOXO Anna, Troy, & Emerson.

At May 6, 2009 at 6:40 AM , Blogger Obi-Mom Kenobi said...

A friend had to have a hysterectomy around your age and the early menopause thing was hard, but the complete inability to live her life on a day-to-day basis had been even harder. We wish you all the best.


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